Making Ends Meet evolved from an old chain that had a lock connected to it and was among some of my scrap metal that I collect. Whenever I came across the chain, I kept thinking that it had potential to become something different.
The first thing that I did with the links was to make a circle by welding each link together. The second part that I welded with the chain was the swirl. I then connected the swirl and the circle together.
The base is made of a ceiling metal fixture, called a canopy, that was originally used to hang a globe. I welded pieces of metal underneath it to give it stability and weight so it would be strong enough to hold the upper parts of the sculpture.
To lift the spiral up I connected two locks and I also added four locks to the base for decoration.
In the next phase of it’s creation I wanted to add color with glass. I made small drawings of the piece with different shapes in them until I came up with the the diamond shape, which I liked the most. A pattern was created for each shape that would fit into the swirl. I also created a circle with a mosaic of multi colors for the center circle. Each diamond shape was made from two pieces of glass that I put copper wire through and then fired in my kiln.
The final stage of the creation “Making End Meet” was to spray the finished sculpture with a fixative, to prevent it from rusting, and then hanging all the glass shapes on it.
The fun part of my creating with found metal objects and glass is not really knowing what the final piece will evolve into. Each step of the journey comes with new ideas. The ideas might work or not. As I continue working, I look for what is pleasing me and what isn’t. what may I add or subtract to make it work. All in all it is an experiment, a journey, and a creation of something that I feel I can be proud of.
Happily creating
Gilda Green